U.S. NEWS WILL UNVEIL the 2020 Best Graduate Schools rankings – including new rankings based on statistical and reputation data for business, law, education, engineering, medical and nursing programs – on March 12.
The data used in the rankings and that will be displayed on usnews.com are based on in-depth statistical surveys conducted in fall 2018 and early 2019 of each program in these six largest graduate disciplines. There will also be detailed explanations of each ranking that can be accessed in the ranking methodologies section of the website.
To view the full rankings, ranking indicator values and complete school profiles in the six disciplines, prospective students will need to access the subscription-based U.S. News Graduate School Compass. The tool also provides the full versions of specialty rankings in such fields as executive MBA, tax law, civil engineering and nursing administration.
This year, U.S. News will also publish fresh academic reputation rankings of master’s degree programs in social work, public affairs, public health, health care management, physician assistant and rehabilitation counseling, and doctorate degrees in veterinary medicine.
Rankings of doctoral programs in the social sciences and humanities and the sciences; master’s degree programs in fine arts and library and information studies; and graduate programs in certain health-related fieldswill remain available on usnews.com. These rankings are based solely on previously administered academic reputation surveys that were published in earlier years and are labeled with the year the rankings were originally published.
The statistical data that schools report to U.S. News can be used to compare factors such as enrollment; ethnicity breakdown; acceptance rates; scores of the most recently enrolled class on the GRE, LSAT, MCAT and GMAT; student-faculty ratios; amount of research conducted at medical schools; bar passage rates; and career-related information for graduates of law and business programs, such as starting salaries and job placement success upon graduation.
U.S. News stresses that the rankings themselves should not be used as the sole basis to decide to attend one graduate program or school over another. Prospective students should consider other factors as well, like a school’s course offerings, department culture, the total cost to obtain the degree, debt after graduation, the advising or mentoring a student can expect to receive, the school’s location and campus life.